The Campaign Support Committee Report


Report of the Campaign Support Committee

Democratic Farmer Labor Party (DFL) Senate District (SD) 53

The committee charge was to recommend a process to “support” or “endorse” candidates for local elected offices (e.g. City Council, Mayor, County offices, and school boards).


The process for endorsement(s) in legislative races is already spelled out in existing DFL SD 53 documents and these recommendations do NOT change those processes.

Only the City of Landfall and the City of Woodbury have elected offices that are totally within the current geographic boundaries of SD 53. (These cities have no primary. Filings open July 28 and close August 11, 2020. The election will be held on November 3, 2020.)

Other local offices such as school boards (elections are held in odd-numbered or even-numbered years depending on the school district) and county offices (elections are held in even-numbered years) although partially located in SD 53 are geographically located in more than one SD. (Filings for County races with a primary [held only when there are more than two candidates for a single office open May 19 and close June 2 in 2020]. (In 2020 if no primary the filings open July 28 and close August 11).


To authorize the DFL SD 53 Central Committee members residing within the geographic boundaries of the City of Woodbury (or Landfall) to endorse candidates who seek DFL support for Mayor or City Council provided:

·        Endorsement will require a quorum (a majority of the eligible voters) and a 60% affirmative vote of the voters present and voting (including blanks and abstentions) and every ballot (including blanks and abstentions) is a test of the quorum.[1]


DFL SD 53 use a process of “Resolution of Support” to indicate preferences for local candidates who seek DFL support where the geographic boundaries of the position are partially within SD 53 BUT ALSO include geography in another Senate District (s) PROVIDED the candidate secures a “Resolution of Support” from the additional Senate District(s) where the geographic boundary for the race falls. DFL SD 53 Central Committee members residing within the geographic boundaries of the electoral area are eligible to vote.

·        The “Resolution of Support” will require a quorum (a majority of the eligible voters) and a 60% affirmative vote of the voters present and voting (including blanks and abstentions) and every ballot (including blanks and abstentions) is a test of the quorum.[2]

Candidates seeking endorsement or a “Resolution of Support” should:

·        Be given the opportunity to appear in person before the DFL SD 53 Central Committee

·        Appear at the next Central Committee after their request and after filings close

·        Have the opportunity to provide written materials

·        Be allowed to speak to the Central Committee for three minutes and respond to questions with answers limited to one minute

·        Receive a formal letter from the Chair of DFL SD 53 Central Committee outlining the action taken by the appropriate voting members of the Central Committee

·        Be copied on a letter from the DFL SD 53 Chair sent to the State DFL when an  endorsement or a “Resolution of Support” is adopted since this allows access to the State DFL mailing lists including the VAN [3]

It is the candidate’s responsibility to seek the “Resolution of Support” from DFL SD 53 and other relevant DFL SDs if applicable.

If the Central Committee determines a screening committee should bring recommendations to the appropriate members of the Central Committee the committee will develop uniform questions and procedures. An example of a basic set of questions used by the City of Maplewood is attached for information.

It is further suggested that the following DFL SDs be notified by letter if the “Resolution of Support” policy adopted: SD 39, SD 43, SD 67, SD 52, and SD 54. In addition, the Ramsey County DFL and City of Maplewood DFL should also be notified. (See recommendation 2)

Publicity about these processes could be shared via the DFL SD 53 website, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Woodbury Newsletter to residents, Pioneer Press and Star Tribune neighborhood sections, and a handout for candidates.

Recommendation 3:

It is recommended the Endorsement process and the “Resolution of Support” process be formally reviewed in January-February, 2021 to determine if these processes should be continued and/or to recommend any changes.   The results of the review should be reported back to DFL SD 53 Central Committee for consideration at the March 2021 Central Committee meeting.

Respectfully Submitted:  June 9, 2020

Carlo Montgomery

Pat Williamson

Paul Tuveson

Tom Miller

Larry Wicks- Chair

[1] See Constitution of SD 53 Article III, Section 2, and Article VI Section 3.

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